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The End of an Era

Our last week in Texas is upon us. FINALLY! Jason had a countdown to commemorate it, I think it went something like this...

#1: quit your job

#2: shave your head bald

#3: sell your car

...we've yet to get to whatever #4 will end up being. lol.

Truth be told my list is much much longer. I'm not sure why. I probably just suck at managing things in general. The friends are coming out of the woodwork to say good bye and I've got to be honest there is no where near enough time for all of you! Sorry Charlies. I have 7 days remaining and I'm smashing in as much as humanly possible while still getting a not so decent amount of sleep. At some point you figure those who will really honestly miss you, will come to you because let's be real here, everyone should know about us leaving by now. hah!

So the selling of the house was a success! We should be well on our way on the 30th or 31st. Our next battle is driving 12 hours to Atlanta to stay with my folks until our flight on July 15th. Here's to hoping the ol' honda makes it. She's been less than happy lately. As much as I'd like to say I've been babying her and driving's quite the opposite. I think she's pissed I'm leaving her. Part of me wants to take her into the shop, but the devil on my shoulder says...hey you did that a week ago and they said she was fine..surely SURELY she'll make it to Atlanta! Eep! As long as I don't have to accelerate quickly uphill we should be fine...

So the next step before heading out is getting rid of the VERY few items we have left. That only includes a bed, 2 bean bags (trash), a small table and our TV (which I think someone is taking off of our hands). The rest either basically gets thrown out or stuffed in a trash bag and thrown into what's left of room in the car...which is not much let me assure you. Somehow Jason fit everything we currently own including 3 dogs into the car last week as a trial run. He did an amazing job I have to say! Half of that stuff will probably never end up in STX. I'm sure once we get to ATL we'll decide we don't even need it. hah.

...ok so it took me a few days to finish/post this blog and since my last sentence the car crapped out, we sold it, trashed the rest, signed the papers, loaded the pups and ourselves in an OVERLY stuffed rented Jeep and 14 long hours later arrived in Georgia. This state always gave me the heebies...still true today. So far the pups haven't been introduced and everyone is a bit off from the confusion but they'll be ok. Pixie has claimed her favorite spot in the back of a closet and Guapo met his first tick. Rufus is chill as usual and basically just along for the ride, although a tad weary since he's had to be so close to Guapo for days on end. Other than that the trip has been seamless so far. I like to think all the positives are a sign that following your dreams is always the right decision.

A few random things I learned about each state...Texas is well Texas, Louisiana makes me want to slow down and eat my way through the Cajun, spot a gator over every bayou, and they have WAY too many cops...M-I-S-S-I-S-S-P-P-I takes forever to drive through and their gas station casinos are scary as hell, Alabama has by far the worst roads (aside from Haiti) I've ever driven on, and Georgia just feels haunted and is brimming with deer.

Today we realized we can ship a crate of cargo for cheaper than we can mail the boxes AND it allows for more room so, if any of my Caribbean friends have any advice on things to bring from the mainland, we'd greatly appreciate it. So far it's filled with clothes and tchotchkes...we probably need something more practical like cheap peanut butter or $2 deoterant...

So onto another week in Georgia! Let the Caribbean countdown begin!! 43 days to go!

This blog is dedicated to my bad a$$ realtor and my folks for putting up with one too many confused barks : ) until next time 💜🐕🇻🇮

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